More and more resources are being employed in a variable schedule where it is necessary to take into consideration individual work agreements. But also regulations regarding social legislation, shifts, Holidays and bank holidays and absences apply.
When scheduling a planning, numerous aspects need to be taken into account: availability of the employees, competences, minimum complement, etc.
Help on scheduling a complex planning is therefore no luxury.

Source of information

You have access to the data of each employee required to schedule the daily and weekly planning (contractual working hours, worked (over)time, etc.). You can display an overview of times where an employee of another department can be planned, taking into account the needs of that time, absences, etc...
In addition, unanticipated overtime can result in financial disillusionment. That's why our planning software indicates all regulations, contractual agreements and own house rules when scheduling a planning.
Recent HR research has demonstrated that a decent planning is also crucial for your employees. A balanced combination between work and family keeps them motivated. It makes you an attractive employer, which facilitates the employment of qualified colleague.
At a single glance you will be able to verify on the schedule board whether all staff requirements have been met. You decide how to observe the planning:
- one department only;
- multiple departments;
- one category of employees, in multiple departments, etc.
Thanks to the simple user interface you decide which data will be displayed in the plan board: counters, balances, contract data, ... This way you can clearly survey the entire planning.

Get the most out of your investment

The combination with the SDP ERA time registration module will save you lots of calculations at the end of each month. The data are collected for you and can be easily submitted to your payment administration.
The system puts absences, promptness, etc. in the picture... Thanks to the synergy between the different Era modules, you can check the planning whether absences and overtime are justified on the basis of the registrations in the time registration module. This way you will have complete and detailed reports and statistics.